martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Music, 80's tendences.

At the beginning of the eighties, there was an impression that the punk rock would remain as the predominant trend in the field of popular music. 

The boundaries of punk

The Sex Pistols were the main promoters of punk rock in the early years of the eighties. The intense publicity that accompanied its launch produced a great interest, but soon faded. The main cause is that punk music culture was too plain for the United States. 

The return of the pop

Due to the powerful impact that had achieved British groups like The Beatles, in the sixties, the United States has never abandoned its vision of England as a magical and mysterious place, where protruded like the exotic city of London. The public was more receptive to the magic of British pop, exposing all those values ​​that had to England as a fascinating and cosmopolitan. 

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