· 1) First videoconference.
2) Appear the first card payphones.
· 3) is assassinated the leader and founder of The Beatles, John Lennon, into the hands of a fan.
· 1) Ronald Reagan takes
office as President of the United States.
· 2) The U.S. president., Ronald Reagan suffers
an assassination attempt.
· 3) Marketing of the first IBM PC personal computer.
· 1) R. K. Jarvik: Successful implementation of the first artificial heart in the U.S
· 2)
The Michael Jackson's Thriller album
became the best-selling history (more than 140 million units).
· 3) Stanley B. Prusiner discovered the prions.
· 1)
Worldwide Premieres of Thriller, the music
video of Michael Jackson, considered "the most successful music
video" by Guinness World Records Association.
· 2) Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier identified the AIDS virus.
· 3) Starts the GNU project
· 1)
Geraldine Ferraro, first female candidate
for Vice President of the United States in the presidential election for the
Democratic Party.
· 1)
It is created the Free Software Foundation
by Richard Stallman and other free software activists.
· 2) Robert Ballard find the remains of the Titanic.
· 1) The Space Shuttle Challenger explodes on takeoff (January 28th)

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